Episode: 9
Broadcast: 19 June 2016
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Trevor visits the world’s largest outdoor art gallery, and talks to Clinton Walker from Ngurrangga Tours who offers visitors the chance to not just pass by, but to learn more about a culture that has lived here for centuries.
- The world’s largest art gallery has been on display for over 30,000 years.
- Located in Deep Gorge Murujuga National Park, Karratha WA are numerous petroglyphs, these rock engravings depict many stories of a history past.
- Clinton Walker from Ngurrangga Tours conducts a welcome to country for Trevor and the team visiting.
- As the oceans rose over time islands were created submerging much of the rock art.
- Its estimated over one million petroglyphs exist within Murujuga National Park and surrounding areas.
- A truly unique experience, one that all West Australians should have.
- The months of May to November are great to visit, Karratha is just a 2-hour flight from Perth, stop into the Karratha Visitors center to make your booking.
P: +61 8 9144 4600
W: www.karrathavisitorcentre.com.au